Live Possible! Unveiling the Road Map to Love & Unity

Live Possible! Unveiling the Road Map to Love & Unity

#RacialJustice? Go beyond support! 2-hr Intro equips you for lasting change. Sign up & build equity! #LoveAndUnityRoadMap

By Love & Unity Project

Date and time

Monday, August 5 · 12 - 2pm PDT



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About this event

  • 2 hours

Unveiling the Path to Authentic Connection and a More Just World

In an age of division and despair, The Road Map to Love & Unity offers a beacon of hope. This transformative 2-hour workshop equips you with the tools and framework to navigate the challenges and cultivate the qualities that pave the path to a brighter future – one built on justice, love, and unity.

More Than Just a Destination, It's a Journey:

The Road Map to Love & Unity is not just about arriving at a destination; it's about the transformative journey itself. This workshop invites you to embark on a path that fosters personal growth, encourages confronting truths, embraces righteousness, and empowers you to cultivate love and unity within yourself and your community.

Two Roads Diverge:

The road to authentic, lasting Unity can be challenging, yet rewarding. Compare it to a winding path, unlike a dead-end that leads to frustration and despair. This map isn't a rigid script; it's your compass, unlocking five key steps that guide you towards authentic connection, understanding, and taking action.

Beyond the Map: Real-World Challenges:

This journey acknowledges the complexities you'll encounter. It recognizes the power of faith, the weight of shame, and the transformative potential of forgiveness. It warns against the bitterness that can fester when we avoid challenges, opting for the easier, yet ultimately unfulfilling, path.

Why Us? The Love & Unity Project Team

Dr. Oneya Okuwobi, a sociologist specializing in race relations, serves as a core member of the Love & Unity Project team. Her expertise in how diverse organizations impact racial inequality informs the workshop's curriculum. Dr. Okuwobi co-authored "Multiethnic Conversations: An Eight-Week Journey toward Unity in Your Church" with Mark DeYmaz, a groundbreaking resource for fostering multiethnic understanding. Additionally, her over 12 years of corporate experience with Procter & Gamble and Mars Global provide valuable insights for navigating complex issues. Currently, Dr. Okuwobi serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Cincinnati, where her research and writing continue to inform our approach to social justice.

Dele Okuwobi, with over a decade of experience guiding churches (50-650 attendees) and nonprofit organizations, brings a wealth of practical knowledge to the workshop. He's also co-authored the curriculum and small group study, "Real Talk About Race."

Together, the Love & Unity Project team leverages a unique blend of:

  1. Academic Expertise: Dr. Okuwobi's research on race relations informs the workshop's foundation.

  2. Practical Experience: Dele Okuwobi's experience guiding churches and nonprofits provides real-world application.

  3. Collaborative Approach: The team's combined knowledge from diverse backgrounds creates a powerful learning experience.

    This unique combination equips us to help you achieve impactful change on your personal journey towards Love & Unity.

Here's what you'll gain in this session?

  1. Chart Your Course with a Personalized Roadmap: Develop your own roadmap for personal growth and creating a more just world. You'll learn how embracing truth guides your journey and how love fuels your actions. This workshop equips you with the tools and framework to chart a clear course towards your goals. Imagine the clarity and purpose a personalized roadmap can bring to your life!

  2. Pack Your Toolkit for Building a Just World: Go beyond theory and walk away with a practical toolkit filled with strategies you can use immediately. Learn how to tackle challenges at every step and make a real difference in your community and the world. Stop feeling overwhelmed and empower yourself to create positive change!

  3. Fuel Your Journey & Forge Lasting Connections: Embark on a path of inner growth and develop the inner strength that fuels your journey. As you navigate the steps on your roadmap with Love, this inner strength allows you to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering the kind of authentic connections that contribute to true Unity – the ultimate destination on your journey. Discover the power of inner strength to connect with others and create a more unified world!

  4. Craft Your Equity Action Plan: Five Keys to Progress: This workshop provides practical tools and insights for dismantling racial and economic injustices. It equips you to be part of the solution and contribute to a more just world. Become an active agent for change!

  5. Ignite Your Inner Spark: Discover the Power of Belief: Explore the power of belief, regardless of your specific faith or background. Learn how to harness this inner strength to fuel your journey towards a more fulfilling life. Unleash the power within you!

  6. Master the "Small Wins" Strategy: Achieve Lasting Change: Discover a practical framework for achieving lasting change. Learn how to "think big and win small" by achieving incremental victories that lead to a more just and equitable world. Turn your passion into action and create a ripple effect of positive change!

Join this workshop and embark on a transformative journey toward a brighter future together. The Road Map to Love & Unity awaits!

Meet Your Real Talk About Race Faith Edition Facilitator. Rev. OlaDele Okuwobi .

Bio: Mr. OlaDele Okuwobi is the Directional Pastor of 21st Century Church, a church start-up launched in September of 2020 in Cincinnati, OH. After spending the past15 years working to help diverse churches and organizations experience greater equity, OlaDele co-created the Real Talk About Race course with his wife, Dr. Oneya Okuwobi. He has over a decade of working as a practitioner, coach, and consultant with organizations and churches to combat personal and systematic bias.

Organized by

We utilize a combination of theological and social scientific training to ensure measurable and lasting change.

$14.50 – $29