Liquidity Pool Party by XDC

Liquidity Pool Party by XDC

Prime Numbers & XDC Network invite you to a Pool Party at Puro Beach, Barcelona after ETH event. INVITATION ONLY!

By Prime Numbers Ecosystem

Date and time

Starts on Thursday, July 6, 2023 · 6pm CEST


Purobeach Barcelona

262 Passeig del Taulat #264 08019 Barcelona Spain


6:00 PM

Liquidity Pool Party by XDC

About this event

Join us at a Pool Party hosted by Prime Numbers & XDC Network at Puro Beach, Barcelona, post-ETH event.

Enjoy complimentary drinks & bites from 6-8pm and network with industry leaders! #ETHBarcelona.

This exclusive event is limited to 100 guests. To secure your invitation fill up or visit the XDC booth.

We've planned exciting activities including a 360 Photo booth, Dice Game with plenty of prizes, and gifts galore!

Organized by

Prime Numbers is an ecosystem composed of different DEFI and NFT protocols that generate revenue for its community on the XDC Blockchain.

Our ecosystem generates revenue through the fees created at PrimePort NFT Marketplace and Prime Numbers Finance, the first lending and borrowing protocol on XDC.

We reward our community through our NFTs collections, which have a revolutionary staking system where you stake tokens inside your NFTs to earn rewards.

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