Introduction to High Performance Computing - Hands-On Workshop

Hands on workshop for new HPC users at Yale; a comprehensive overview of the basics tools and skills needed to perform research computing.

By Yale Center for Research Computing

Date and time

September 21, 2023 · 1pm - October 17, 2023 · 12pm EDT


Yale Center for Research Computing

160 St. Ronan Street New Haven, CT 06511

About this event

This workshop is designed to introduce new users to the HPC resources available at Yale and to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts needed to perform computing on the clusters, such as accessing the clusters, navigating a linux interface via bash commands, running interactive and batch jobs, managing files, troubleshooting workflows, and more.

Students will engage in practical exercises to help develop skills to effectively use the resources. They will also receive tips and practices for best resource utilization.

The workshop will consist of a presentation and practical exercises spanning approximately two hours, followed by open OFFICE HOURS with the YCRC Research Support Team who will be available for questions, demonstrations, and troubleshooting. Practice scripts in python, R, and MATLAB will be available for learners to practice applying their new skills.

The workshop will be conducted via Open On Demand (OOD).

Attendees are required to have an active account on one of YCRC clusters and to bring their own laptop computer to the workshop.

Attendees are encouraged to come with questions and specific scenarios, bugs, etc. they need assistance with.

Due to its interactive nature, the workshop will be conducted in person and the number of attendees will be limited to 30 per session. Registration is required

Organized by

The Yale Center for Research Computing advances research at Yale by administering a sustainable state-of-the-art computational infrastructure, providing technology services, and facilitating an interdisciplinary approach to the development and application of advanced computing and data processing technology throughout the research community.

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