Intermediate Microsoft Excel

Intermediate Microsoft Excel

A class for those already familiar with the basics or Excel and looking to learn a few more techniques.

By Parkman | Detroit Public Library


Parkman | Detroit Public Library

1766 Oakman Blvd Detroit, MI 48238

About this event

In this class we'll learn some more conditional yet powerful techniques for Excel, including:

  • GO TO Special - a modified version of Find/Replace to look up formulas, errors and more.
  • Pivot Tables - A formatting tool for creating smaller tables from existing data within your spreadsheet.
  • How to create a Named Range.
  • Inserting Drop Down lists into your worksheet.
  • What is Conditional Formatting and how to use it.
  • Using the Text to Column feature to split information in one column into two separate ones, as long as that information is divided by a comma, colon or space.

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