IGDATC Gamedev Meeting June - Business with Reese: Values!

IGDATC Gamedev Meeting June - Business with Reese: Values!

Join local game devs in-person for an evening of talks and networking!

By IGDA Twin Cities



7700 France Avenue South #Suite 285 Edina, MN 55435

About this event

  • 3 hours

This event is open to the public! IGDA Membership not required.

Gamedev Meeting is Live and in Person @ The Nerdery

Please join us for a night of industry and community presentations! Postmortems, live demos, and talks on game design, art, marketing, audio, community, social issues, and more, given by developers from the Twin Cities and all over the world.

We also stream live on youtube.com/igdatc.

Announcements & Plug My Thing

At the beginning of our in-person meetings, we like to put a call out for game trailers, demo reels, and other short game development related announcements. Please come 15min early or contact us (Discord is best) beforehand if you can!

Speaker Reese Valentine (they/them)

Business with Reese: Values! At the discussion table

If you are collaborating with other people, you should really understand who you are, and who your collaborators are. One method Reese recommends to everyone is to understand and set your collective Values. Reese will first explain what they mean exactly when they talk about values and how to set your values, then they will lead a group discussion on the topic.

Reese Valentine is a queer trans masc founder of a worker cooperative named Amelore, a game development studio that focuses on thoughtfully crafted stories & digital media. They are passionate about studio development, having a healthy worklife balance, and creating art that speaks to your soul. Reese wears many hats, a small selection including bizdev, production, & rigging/animation.




Agenda (approximate)

  • 6:30 Youtube stream opens, meeting intro and monthly slides.
  • 6:45 Presentations.
  • After: we head to a nearby restaurant to get food/drinks and socialize!

Other Happenings

Join us on our Discord server!

Help us find interesting presenters, use this easy form to let us know.

Organized by

The Twin Cities chapter of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA). IGDATC provides continuing education and career development for a growing, inclusive community of designers, artists, programmers — everyone involved in any part of the development of video and tabletop games in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area (and surrounding regions).