Elixir: A Tantric Nurturing and Surrendering Evening for Men

Elixir: A Tantric Nurturing and Surrendering Evening for Men

Due to the personalized hands-on somatic touch provided by Lucia Gabriela, only 4 spots are available.

By Lucia Gabriela

Select date and time

Thursday, May 23 · 7 - 10pm EDT


Sacred Love Temple

7008 South Tamiami Sarasota, FL 34231

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Awaken your inner magnificence, heighten your senses, and join a circle of radiant, like-hearted brothers. Experience an evening of profound transformation as we delve into the core of surrendering, unlocking the treasures within you. Elixir transcends the ordinary; it is a soulful sanctuary where men gather to nurture their bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. In this sacred space, sensuality, brotherhood, and self-discovery intertwine in a symphony of beauty and bliss.

Highlights of the Evening:

🌟 Tantric Tea Ceremony: Step into our haven of surrender and sensuality, greeted by an intoxicating blend of tea and cacao elixirs. A Tantric Tea Ceremony begins the enchanting journey, where specially crafted elixirs elevate your senses, unlocking the doors to your inner sensuality.

🌟 Sensorial Activation: Continue the journey of sensual embodiment through touch and taste. With eyes closed, savor a selection of fresh, succulent fruits, chosen to tantalize your taste buds and nourish your body. Experience the taste of fruit like never before.

🌟 Brotherhood Bonding: Forge connections with extraordinary men through heart-to-heart conversations. Share stories and build friendships that transcend the ordinary, supporting you on your journey of self-discovery.

🌟 Somatic Awakening with Soma5 Method™: Delve deep into the mysteries of surrendering with Lucia Gabriela, a master of transformation. Experience the Soma5 Method, a fusion of energetic bodywork, dearmoring, and tantric shamanic practices that unlock your sensuality through surrendering.

🌟 Sound Healing: Allow healing vibrations to wash over you, clearing away tensions and worries. Open your heart to resonating energy, creating harmonious balance within.

What You Will Experience:

🌹 Sensual Awakening: Rediscover your inner sensuality and harness its power for transformation and personal growth.
🌹 Connection: Forge deep, authentic connections with like-minded men on a journey of self-discovery.
🌹 Self-Care: Dedicate an evening to pampering your body, mind, and soul with nurturing elixirs, delectable fruits, and healing touch.
🌹 Transformation: Release limitations, fears, and self-doubt as you step into the magnificent man you were born to be.
🌹 Healing: Experience the profound effects of sound healing and the rejuvenating power of the Soma5 Method™.

Space is limited to four men, ensuring an intimate and deeply personal experience. This event is for those ready to embrace their sensuality, power, and brotherhood.

Are you prepared to unlock the elixir of your soul, embrace your sensuality, and create profound bonds with your brothers on this journey of self-discovery? Reserve your spot at Elixir: A Tantric Nurturing and Surrendering Evening for Men, and step into a world of beauty and bliss that awaits you.

Tickets Options:

Temple Alliance Member: $60 pp.

Event Member: $80 pp.

Note: To become a Temples Alliance Member and access exclusive benefits, including Discounted Pricing, attend the 2-hour Online Temples Orientation. Enroll for orientation at www.templesalliance.com


Lucia Gabriela is a renowned guide in the realm of intimacy, supporting both individuals and couples on their journey to mastery of purpose, life, relationships, and self-discovery.

Dedicated to fostering a profound sense of self-awareness and connection, Lucia Gabriela curates a secure and reverent environment where individuals can embark on a profound exploration of their multifaceted identities. Her expertise lies in aiding individuals in shedding the burdens of emotional and sexual traumas that may hinder them from realizing their aspirations. Through her guidance, clients undergo a transformative process of healing their inner child, embracing their shadows, and forging a connection with their higher selves.

Lucia Gabriela's guidance extends to cultivating a harmonious relationship with one's own body and unlocking its innate wisdom. By aligning with their authentic essence, individuals can unlock their untapped potential and lead lives brimming with purpose. This transformative journey also encompasses the mastery of one's sexual existence across all dimensions, empowering individuals to navigate their sexual and spiritual evolution with confidence and insight.

If you're seeking to embark on a path of self-discovery, enhanced relationships, and a profound connection with your own intimate journey, Lucia Gabriela's transformational coaching, somatic experiences, immersion weekends, and couples retreats offer invaluable opportunities. To explore these transformative offerings in greater detail, visit www.luciagabriela.com.

Organized by

Lucia Gabriela is the Founder of Nuna Holistic Retreat Center, The Tantric Shamanic Somatic Institute, The Sacred Love Temple (Tantric Shamanic Community & Events), The Sarasota Dark Temple (Conscious Kink/BDSM Community & Events), The Temples Alliance and Producer to Sol y Luna Tantric Shamanic Festival.

Lucia Gabriel helps individuals and couples achieve mastery over their lives, relationships, intimacy, and sexuality. She uses various techniques to assist her clients in improving their relationships with themselves and others. Lucia can help identify any "blind spots" that may prevent individuals from achieving the desired life and relationships. She helps cultivate a sense of clarity, self-trust, and confidence in every area of your life, including intimate relationships.

$60 – $80