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Experience the journey from a tech talent to Chief Technology Officer in a startup firsthand.

By Campus Founders

Date and time

Tuesday, June 11 · 5 - 8pm CEST


Campus Founders gGmbH

Bildungscampus 1 74076 Heilbronn Germany

About this event

  • 3 hours

🪜Corporate Ladder or 🚀Startup Rocket? CTO To Go Shows You the Way!

Welcome back to CTO To Go (V)!

Are you a techie or business person! Struggling to choose between the stability of a corporate career and the exhilarating (yet often unpredictable) world of startups? Our 5th CTO To Go is here to give you a glimpse in the journey of CTO from 0 to the top!

Our Speaker:

Nina Korshunova, a pioneering technologist with a great background in computational mechanics and engineering. Nina's pivotal roles at Hyperganic, including Director of Technology, showcased her strategic vision, driving the company's success with notable beta launches. As CEO of DirectFEM, she spearheaded pioneering simulation technology, leading to its acquisition by Hyperganic Group. Currently Head of AI Engineering at appliedAI Initiative GmbH, she leads groundbreaking efforts in artificial intelligence. Nina's unwavering commitment to innovation and leadership continues to shape the landscape of computational engineering and AI globally.

Keynote Journey:

  • Immerse yourself in speaker's personal and professional odyssey.
  • Understand the key influences, decisions, and milestones that shaped their path.
  • Explore the intricacies of transitioning from a tech whiz to a tech leader.
  • Discover what drives an individual to embrace the exciting uncertainties of entrepreneurship.
  • Gain valuable insights from their experiences.

Q&A Time: Have burning questions about speaker's career path or other questions? Get them answered directly during our engaging Q&A session!

🎤 Pitch Your Passion: The Bierkasten Pitch

Post-talk, the stage is yours! We're offering five slots for spontaneous 5-minute pitches. Share your ideas, receive immediate feedback, and maybe even conquer some stage fright!

🍕 Mingle, Network, and More

Don’t miss the chance to network with like-minded individuals. Enjoy an evening filled with thought-provoking conversations, food, drinks, and fantastic company.

Register Now!

Secure your spot for free and bring along your tech and business buddies!

CTO To Go is proudly brought to you by the pillars of the Heilbronn innovation ecosystem: Campus Founders, TUM Venture Labs, 42 Heilbronn, STARTKLAR.

CTO To Go is a joint initiative brought to you by Campus Founders, TUM Venture Labs, 42-Heilbronn, and STARTKLAR. By registering for the event on Eventbrite, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of participating in CTO To Go. This consent includes sharing your name and email address with Campus Founders, TUM Venture Labs, 42-Heilbronn, and STARTKLAR, the co-organizers of the event. The data may be used by these organizations to communicate event-related information, and the legal basis for sharing this data is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 No. 1 f) GDPR.
You acknowledge that during the CTO To Go event, photographs may be taken, and you might be depicted in them. These images could be used by Campus Founders, TUM Venture Labs, 42-Heilbronn, and STARTKLAR on their internet platforms and for event reports in social media channels. The legal basis for the creation and use of these images is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 No.1 f) GDPR.
Your participation in CTO To Go is contingent upon providing this consent, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Organized by

Wir sind das Innovations- & Entrepreneurship-Zentrum mitten auf dem Bildungscampus. Mit dem Fokus auf innovativen Startups, neuen Methoden, Technologien und Disruption leben wir, was wir fördern. Wir bringen Bildung, Gründungskultur und Unternehmen zusammen und sorgen für Inspiration, Information und Unterstützung. Ausgestattet mit einzigartigen technischen, personellen und infrastrukturellen Ressourcen widmen wir uns mit Leidenschaft, Hingabe und Know-how unserem Ziel: als führendes Startup- und Innovations-Zentrum den besten Teams und Ideen ein Zuhause zu geben und zum Erfolg zu verhelfen.  Komm zu einem unser zahlreichen Events und werde Teil der wachsenden community! ___________________________________________________________________________________  We are the start-up centre in the middle of the Bildungscampus. With a focus on innovative start-ups, new methods, technologies and disruption, we live what we encourage. We bring education, start-up culture and business together and provide inspiration, information and support. Equipped with unique technical, human and infrastructural resources, we commit ourselves with passion, dedication and know-how to our goal: as a leading start-up and innovation center, to give the best teams and ideas a home and help them to succeed. Come to one of our numerous events and become part of the growing community! 

