CSR: Introduction to MPI and mpi4py for Distributed Computing on Quest

By Northwestern IT Research Computing & Data Services

Date and time

Friday, May 4, 2018 · 10am - 12pm CDT


Mudd Library

2233 Tech Drive Classroom 2124 Evanston, IL 60208


Introduction to MPI and mpi4py for Distributed Computing on Quest

Instructors: Pascal Paschos and Alper Kinaci, Senior Computational Specialists
Do you want to learn how to parallelize your code to use the cores or memory of more than one node in a cluster? Did you know you can do this without Fortran or C++? Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standard that allows researchers to leverage the computing resources of clusters like Quest to execute compute-intensive and memory-intensive code across nodes. Mpi4py provides an implementation of MPI for Python. We will be reviewing the basic ideas behind MPI, such as communication and distributed memory, and then work through Python examples that demonstrate how to incorporate the mpi4py interface in your work. All researchers are welcome to attend, but some familiarity with Python required. Please bring a laptop with an SSH client (terminal program) installed. Participants will be provided with temporary access to Quest for the workshop.

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