Building Stories: Constructing Open Conversations

Building Stories: Constructing Open Conversations

Join representatives from leading construction programs for an open conversation on what true equity and inclusion can look like.

By Build Out Alliance

Date and time

Thursday, July 27, 2023 · 3 - 4pm PDT



About this event

Lagging far behind other professions when it comes to diversity and equitable opportunities, the construction industry continues to underrepresent Black workers and other workers of color at all levels. Even worse, LGBTQ+ and gender diverse people of color are virtually non-existent. In the construction industry in particular, marginalized workers continue to be shut out of training programs and hiring, leading to a dearth of diverse contractors and business owners. This then leads to a deficit in leaders investing in a more diverse workforce, only furthering the cycle.

How can the industry improve the state of diversity? What can we all do to break the cycle of inopportunely and create an environment where diverse workers can serve comfortable and with pride in all sectors of the industry? Join us for this panel discussion looking to explore these questions and begin a dialogue on how we can all contribute to making a positive change. In concert with our event partner, First Choice Construction Foundation, representatives from leading New York and Washington, DC-based construction programs will lead an open conversation on what true equity and inclusion can look like within the construction industry, and what each of us and our companies can do to help get there.

Our Panelists

Psalms Morales (they/them), Executive Director, First Choice Construction Foundation

Psalms is passionate about free and equitable career opportunities for diverse populations. They studied gender and sexuality studies, and have worked as a consultant with Bain & Co., in development with a mental health startup, and bring extensive experience in go-to-market strategy for large and small businesses. Bringing all this experience to bear as executive director at FCCF, Psalms has helped the organization grow 10-fold in their first year alone by writing and developing FCCF's flagship Leadership Program which is backed by the DOES, WIC, MORCA, and DSI. Psalms lives in Washington, DC, with their sphinx, Boricua, where they enjoy teaching yoga, reading, and traveling in their spare time.

Sinade Wadsworth (she/her), Union Organizer, New York City District Council of Carpenters

Sinade is extremely invested in raising the standard for her community, and believes that pre-apprenticeship programs like NEW have the power to radically transform lives and create the cycle of progress. As a proud union carpenter from New York City, she worked her way up the ranks to become the youngest union organizer for the NYC District Council of Carpenters. Her success is a testament to the life-changing potential of these programs, which launched her exceptional career. Serving as a power testament to those who doubt themselves, Sinade's story demonstrates that the American dream can be a reality for anyone; all you have to do is look to where you want to go.

Beverly Richardson (she/her), Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, AECOM

Bev is passionate about equity, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I) initiatives that promote change. She has a deep understanding of the factors that influence ED&I in a workplace from her 25+ years working in Human Resources across several industries, including healthcare and biotech. Working with diverse teams during this time, she recognizes the importance of diversity in organizations and their cultures. In her current role at AECOM, Bev oversees the ED&I strategy development and implementation of programs and initiatives throughout the Americas. She also volunteers and serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Racial Equity & Social Justice Alliance (RESJA), a not-for-profit that drives initiatives addressing legislative, economic, and education matters impacting underrepresented communities.

Cory Jones Jr. (he/him), President, First Choice Masonry

Cory constantly pushes the the limits of the construction industry by embracing new and inventive methods. He brings a fervent dedication to a more promising future, particularly as a minority-owned masonry business, and through his efforts in empowering the community. As a third-generation construction leader, Cory has held roles spanning from project management to executive leadership, and worked on projects in both the public and private sectors, from iconic landmarks to cutting-edge developments. From his diligent work and delivery of remarkable results, Cory is known excellence, innovation, and expertise for his craft, the same qualities he instills in the communities with which he works to push the industry forward.

Our Event Partner

Thank you to our event partner, First Choice Construction Foundation, for helping us to plan this event and bring these critical voices, perspectives, and impacts forward.

Organized by

Build Out Alliance provides a platform of acceptance, connection, and empowerment within the design and construction industry. We are a place of belonging and pride for LGBTQ+ professionals. Our commitment is to listen, acknowledge, and amplify the stories of our members, reinforcing the belief that it does get better. Above all, we promise to champion you, not merely as a professional in the industry, but as a member of a vibrant, supportive community.

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