Emergencies Partnership LRF seminar #2

We are running two sessions shining a light on the role and purpose of Local Resilience Forums (LRFs).

By VCS Emergencies Partnership

Date and time

Monday, May 10, 2021 · 4 - 6am PDT



About this event

This past year has seen an extraordinary amount of activity by public sector agencies responsible for crisis response, supported by a huge commitment and endeavour by the voluntary sector.

Much of the public sector response has been organised through Local Resilience Forums (LRF). Better understanding the forums and how we as the voluntary sector can work with them can only strengthen how we collectively respond and support in a crisis.

We are running this session twice, so that people can choose the date and time that suits them - there is one small difference which is that the first session (6 May) includes a description of how LRFs work in London, which is slightly different to the rest of the country.

Whether you're already closely involved with LRFs, or you have only vaguely heard of them we hope that attending a seminar will help you to understand their context and value and how they operate and can be accessed. The seminars will be a series of presentations with time at the end for questions.


Zoom call info:

  • https://britishredcross.zoom.us/j/93553635084?pwd=M0RzS0xDODNtZVpNQ3VWeGlGbkNvQT09
  • Meeting ID: 935 5363 5084
  • Passcode: kCZW0J

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