


Create online/in-person hybrid events

If you want to run an event that lets people attend in-person or virtually, create two event listings. Make one listing for the in-person event and another for the online component. You can speed this up by copying your event. Make sure to use clear titles and link to each event in the descriptions.

In diesem Artikel

  • Create an in-person event.
  • Create an online event.
  • Helpful tips

Create an in-person event.

In-person events have a physical address attached to them. They will show up for attendees searching for events in that area, and the location will be on the event page.

To create an in-person event, select Venue when you set your location. This will let you enter an address for your event. Learn more about creating events.

Create an online event.

Create a dedicated online event for your virtual attendees. Each online event has a virtual venue attached to it where you can add links to your webinars and meetings. You can also include information about how to join virtually.

To create an online event, select Online event when you set your location. Learn more about creating an online event.

Helpful tips

Here are some helpful tips when creating hybrid events.

Use clear titles.

Consider adding "(Virtual)" or "(In person)" to your titles. This will help attendees know they're in the right place.

Copy your event to save time.

Copying your event lets you create a new event with the exact same settings. After you create your in-person event, copy it. Then change the location of your new event to Online event.

Add a link to each event listing.

In each listing, add a link in the description to your other listing. That way, visitors at your in-person listing can easily find the virtual listing (and vice-versa).

Advertise your events together with campaigns.

Email campaigns let you select multiple events for the same promotional campaign. Learn how to create email campaigns.