Dog Friendly Business Netwalking  in Chesterfield  by Hump Networking

Dog Friendly Business Netwalking in Chesterfield by Hump Networking

Relaxed Business Networking Group In The Heart Of Chesterfield - Net walking planned around Holmebrook Valley Park.

By Reach Solutions & Cynetix

Select date and time

Wed, 5 Jun 2024 12:15 - 14:30 GMT+1


Holme Hall Inn

Linacre Road Chesterfield S40 4UX United Kingdom


12:15 PM - 2:30 AM (+1 day)

Meet @ The Holme Hall Inn Car Park at 12.15pm for a prompt 12.30pm departure

We will be meeting at the Holme Hall Inn car park at 12.15pm for a prompt 12.30pm departure. Doggies and well behaved owners are welcome! Simon Coy from The Chesterfield Business Expo will be leading...

About this event

This free networking event will be brought to you by Annie Smith from Cynetix IT Services and Adam Cunningham from Reach Plc.

We are a relaxed and friendly networking event running in a community spirit lead pub called The Holme Hall Inn. Come and get yourself a beer, tea, coffee or whatever you fancy and meet like minded business individuals.

For this event we will be doing a net-walk. Dogs are very much welcome on the walk and at The Holme Hall Inn afterwards! Please dress for the weather (but pray for sunshine).

12.15pm arrival at The Holme Hall Inn car park

12.30pm prompt departure

1.30 / 1.45pm arrival back at The Holme Hall Inn for open Networking

2.30pm event close

If you are running late on the day please let Annie or Adam know as soon as possible.

We look forward to welcoming you on our netwalk!

Best Wishes

AA Team

Frequently asked questions

Is there car parking available?

Yes, there is free car parking on site.

Is there wheelchair access?

Yes, the venue is fully accessible.

Organised by